Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 50/2024

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №50/2024

Title page



Mahmudzade F. A.
Importance and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Connections in Modern Education

Aleksiuk I. A., Baulina T. E.
The problem of the interpretation of traditional syllogistic: Strawson’s realistic method

Verzin I. I.
Free will in Ockham's philosophy

Vykhovanets Z. S.
«Post» modernization of the welfare state paradigm: new opportunities for self-realization of an individual

Volovchuk N. M.
Civil Society in Soviet Ukraine: Lessons for Modern Ukraine in Wartime

Horbal Ya. M.
Ukrainian Scholarship Against Historical Distortions: Debunking the Myths of Putinism in the Context of Hybrid Warfare

Dresviannikova N. A.
Imagination as a way of social consolidation and protection of human rights

Durdo O. I., Predmestnikov O. H.
Understanding the Phenomenon of Information Warfare in Domestic Philosophy

Kiykov O. Yu.
The philosophy of educational management and its importance in forming democratic practices

Kotenko G. O., Pokhvatа M. P., Medved O. D.
Social participation of student youth as a factor in the development of civil society

Kotenko О. V., Maksimenko V. V. Syniahivskyi Ya. M.
The value dimension in the study of the development of social competence of student youth (interdisciplinary discourse)

Kryzhanovska T. O., Lytvyn M. Yu.
Philosophy of International Organizations: The Role of the United Nations in Ensuring International Justice

Oseiko D. A.
Prevention of Humanitarian Security Threats in the Fields of Education and Culture in Ukraine During Martial Law

Palchyk A. O.
Panentheism and Other Theistic Concepts: The Problem of Demarcation in Contemporary Studies

Samarskyi A. Yu.
Development of the Philosophical and Socio-Economic Ideas of Academician V.M. Glushkov in the 21st Century

Sytailo Y.V.
Byzantinism as a Religious Doctrine of Orthodoxy

Sipko O. E.
Modern communication space: a philosophical analysis

Skalatska O. V., Yakovleva L. I., Yushkevych Yu. S.
European and Euro-Atlantic integration: philosophical analysis

Slyva A. О.
Transformation of the political system of Ukrainian society in the context of external aggression: political and philosophical aspect of the problem of democratization

Yakymchuk O. I.
A transversal turn in the philosophy of education of the 21st century


Afanasieva L. V., Hlebova N. I., Glyns’ka L. F., Chychanovskyi I. O.
Factors of activation of national-cultural societies of IDPs in Melitopol region during the war

Klymenko O. Yu., Chepurko G. I.
Formation of social trauma under the influence of stressful conditions in employees of the private sector of the economy of Ukraine during the war

Lobanova A. S., Rekalo A. S.
Socio-professional efficiency as a sociological category: content, structure and criteria of definition

Redkina H. M.
Main specific features and trends of the formation of values of the youth of Ukraine in the conditions of state independence

Chepak V. V., Tashchenko A. Yu.
The COVID-19 pandemic in clusters: sociological backstage of seemingly final decisions

Shevel I. P.
Ukrainian culture and new Ukrainization: socio-cultural discourse, problems and prospects


Alieksieienko A. I.
Form of government as a factor of political consolidation of transforming society

Balak I. O., Pikulyk O. B.
The Committee of the Regions Public Diplomacy in the EU Cohesion Policy

Bilousov M. V.
Ukraine’s place in the EU information space: analysis of the regulatory framework

Buriachenko O. V., Sokhatskyi O. Yu., Dubovyk N. A.
Analysis of international relations, competition between great powers and strategies for managing geopolitical interests

Vovk S. O.
Information Hygiene: Behavioral Models of Ukrainian Citizens During the War

Lagutin M. R.
Formation of the national interest: a discursive approach

Marusynets M. M.
Transformation of US peacekeeping in Northern Ireland in the context of Brexit under the J. Biden administration

Priymich A. P.
The methodology of studying the infrastructure of black PR in the context of the political process

Sekh D. A.
Infrastructure Projects of the Intermarium as a Tool for Ukraine’s Economic Integration with Central and Eastern Europe

Sokur O. V.
Transformation of the discourse on Ukraine's European integration (based on the study of analytical reports)

Solodilova O. V.
The influence of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the transformation of the political regime in Ukraine

Tsatsenko O. V.
Civic solidarity as a factor of the effectiveness of civic advocacy campaigns

Сhu Chu
«The Belt and Road Initiative» as a Reflection of the Current Spatial Distribution of China's Strategic Interests

Shvets S. L., Lozynskyi V. M.
The space of political identities in Ukraine: institutional and communicative dimensions

Klymonchuk V. Y.
Ukraine in the Three Seas Initiative: challenges of integration and prospects for regional cooperation

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 49/2024

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №49/2024

Title page



Ananin V. O., Horlynskyi V. V.
The phenomenon of preservation of the life world in dimensions communicative philosophy

Baulina T. E., Krikun V. Yu.
Doomscrolling as a phenomenon of modern media space

Vladlenova I. V., Godz N. B., Smolyaga M. V.
Universal methodology for complex social systems: from Marxism, pragma-dialectics to systemic analysis

Gerasymova E. M.
Socio-anthropological understanding of the life potential of a modern man

Dankanich R. I.
Updating Hans-Georg Gadamer’s phenomenon of understanding in the face of existential challenges

Dyshkant T. М., Horodyska O. М.
Socio-philosophical analysis of distance education

Didenko L. V.
Sociosegmented inequality: mechanisms of formation, reproduction, and eradication

Zaporozhchenko O. V., Suprun A. M.
Gender equality: problems and prospects

Zinchenko N. O., Kaiun V. O., Perun S. V.
Рhilosophical aspects of the 1932–1933 famine tragedy: an existential analysis of human resilience and morality in the conditions of extreme survival

Karpetz L. A., Kovalenko Yu. M., Prykhodko V. S.
The world of virtual libraries and museums as a modification the spatiotemporal dimension of education in the era of high technologies

Korostylov G. L., Kruts O. A., Petrova L. O.
Humanitarianism in the age of modern technical and technological paradigm (socio-philosophical analysis)

Kravchenko O. P., Ryk M. S.
The structure of the symbolic-figurative philosophical system of Hryhorii Skovoroda

Lysenkova V. V.
Philosophical aspects of Somerset Maugham’s way of thinking

Martynenko O. M., Ruptash O. V., Radzinyak T. I.
The idea and prospects of philosophical modernity

Mikheitseva-Tsingrosh K. O.
Modern practices of cultural policy in Austria and Ukraine: an attempt at philosophical conceptualization

Mnozhynska R. V., Maidaniuk I. Z., Verezomska S. Zh.
Identity of the individual in the gender dimension

Morhun O. A.
Creative synthesis of ancient and modern knowledge in the retrospective of noospheric thinking

Panko O. I.
Neocatechumenal Way: peculiarities of doctrine and activity

Pogorelov O. F., Karpenko M. V.
Anthropological component of worldview

Sapar R. K., Sapar H. S.
Visual intentions of the early stages of Ukrainian historical and philosophical thought

Silvestrova O. Yu., Shakun N. V., Kolievatov O. O.
Comparative analysis of the influence of classical and co philosophy on the ideas of civil society

Sobolievskyi P. A.
Ordinary language philosophy and experimental philosophy: a modern view

Soshnikov A. O.
The main forms of distance education development in China as a synthesis of traditions and innovations

Starikova H. G., Tyhonova L. A.
Understanding as a stage of scientific knowledge and the role of tacit knowledge at this stage

Telizhenko L. V.
Commemoration of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its influence on the formation of national identity: a transdisciplinary approach

Tokuieva N. V., Zlenko N. M., Tsoi T. V.
Intercultural communication: the main aspects of life in society

Changlong Sun
The main ideas of Chinese philosophy and its influence on politics and economics

Yarmolytska N. V., Han K. О.
Issues of science and education in the socio-humanitarian component of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative


Bahinskyi A. V., Veselska V. V.
Non-governmental organisations as a mechanism of social support during the war

Smahliuk O. A.
Early sexual life of adolescents: the social situation in Ukraine


Dolzhenkov O. O., Lozynskyi O. M.
Peculiarities of political agenda setting: the influence of the media

Karpenko A. O.
Narodism and socialism in Ukrainian political thought: a comparative analysis

Kachurovskyi O. P.
The specificity of national consolidation in the processes of democratic transformation of society in modern Ukraine

Konyk T. H.
Institutional foundations of Ukraine’s national security policy at the stage of its formation as an independent state

Marusynets M. M.
The role of the EU in resolving the Northern Ireland conflict

Matvienkiv S. М., Bartakh L. І.
Information threats in the context of a full-scale war: modern challenges for the national security of Ukraine

Matukhno H. R.
State political institutions as a factor of promoting public political participation of youth in modern Ukraine

Nazarchuk O. М.
The influence of political elites on the formation of state power and business in Ukraine

Usov D. S.
Genesis and current state of political science studies regarding intelligence activities in the economic sphere

Chupriy L. V., Gotra O. B., Alieksieienko I. M.
Russia’s information war against Ukraine and Western countries in the context of globalization and ways to counter it

Yakovlev D. V., Trushevych H. B.
The creative class on the political agenda: trust, elections, image

Naumkin I. O.
Political manipulation in the web space in the post-truth era

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 47/2024

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №47/2024

Title page



Boroday O. D.
Ethics and morality in the context of freedom of choice: contemporary debates and conflicts

Verkhovod L. I., Hots A. A., Zhurba I. V.
Artificial intelligence as a part of modern human being: social and philosophical reflection

Horbal Ya. M., Hlebova N. I.
Philosophical dimensions of war: impact on shaping educational identities in the modern world

Horpynych O. V.
Effectiveness of education quality management

Dobronosova Yu. D.
The horizon of the future and existential of hope in the conditions of war

Dolska O. O., Dyshkant T. M., Godz N. B.
Epistemological dimension of educational strategy for the future

Kyselytsia S. V.
Socio-humanitarian limits of tolerance in the context of European integration

Manuilo H. S.
The role of guardians in Plato’s Republic: lessons for contemporary leadership

Manuilo Y. Y.
Problems of virtue ethics: an analysis of A. Macintyre’s ethical theory

Dub M. I., Nadiuk I. R.
Natural theology in the history of world philosophy

Nuzhna Yu. S., Khobta S. V., Kotelenets K. M.
Artificial intelligence: a philosophical discourse (based on an analysis of Hans Moravik’s Children of Mind: the Future of Robots and Human Intelligence)

Polishchuk R. M.
Game as a creative source of culture: J. Geisinga and R. Kayua

Radchenko S. V.
Social and political action as a tool to improve human security: recommendations for Ukrainian policymakers

Tolstorozhev V. V.
Features of the birth of “Kyiv” Orthodoxy

Zhang Hongwei
Modernization of the harmonious coexistence of Human and nature: philosophical justification and value priorities

Shcherbenko E. V.
Asclepius and Prometheus, or We, trulialiata. Breaking with the past in the hermeneutics of growing up


Oros O. B.
Microsociology of domestic violence against children under conditions of martial law

Popovych V. M., Shcherbyna S. S., Novak T. O.
Management of social work at the level of the territorial community in the conditions of war: the regional profile


Vovk S. O., Bader A. V.
Reaction to the war: a comparative analysis of information and educational strategies of Ukraine and russia

Yermolenko I. V.
The mechanism of formation of youth policy at the level of territorial communities as a factor of democratic development

Zhurba I. V.
Media and separatism: how information campaigns influence the development of conflicts

Malskyi V. I.
Regulatory support of the economic security system: practical aspects and international experience

Ostapets Yu. O., Habryn P. V.
Social and political life of the Roma ethnic minority in Ukraine and Romania through the prism of a binary comparison of integration practices

Sych O. M.
“Surma” magazine in the technologies of social influence and political struggle of the Foreign Branches of the OUN (1949–1954)

Tomahiv V. Ya., Kachurovskyi O. P.
Conceptual basis of research democratic transformation processes

Yakovlev D. V., Yakovleva L. I.
Political activity for the public good: the mission and challenges of the middle class


Skalatska O.V.
Interdisciplinary potential of media philosophy in the space of artificial intelligence (AI): philosophical aspects

Zaiets O.М.
Existential-Psychoanalytical Dimension of Care of the Self in Our Time

Lomachіnska I.M.
Libraries and Archives in the Digital Age: Social Networks as a Tool for Preserving National Memory

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 48/2024

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №48/2024

Title page



Sun W.
The trajectory of thinking transformation in the era of artificial intelligence

Bilyk P. M.
The influence of the urban environment on the formation of personal and group identity

Didenko L. V.
Inequality: socio-philosophical premises

Dobrovolska V. A., Hoian I. M., Petraniuk A. I.
The problem of intercultural communication in the philosophical dimension

Tingting Dong
The development and evolution of Marxist thought in China

Zaporozhchenko O. V., Mnozhynska R. V., Stupak O. P.
Information globalization as a factor in the formation of a modern personality

Zakharov V. A., Tkachenko V. V.
The consequences of the technologization of life through the lens of mass culture: a case study of the series “Black Mirror”

Kryzhanovska T. O.
Philosophical meanings of mediality

Krylova (Swetly) V. О.
Media charisma as a result of a combination of screen image and the real personality traits and its manifestation in cinema

Kubko V. P.
The concept of strategic narrative in the system of strategic communications

Lishchynska О. І.
Sociocultural landscape of institutions of the city of Lviv in a state of full-scale war

Nuzhna Yu. S., Altukhov O. A., Zhurba I. V.
Philosophical aspects of the development of modern society: trends and challenges

Oseiko D. A.
Humanitarian security of Ukraine during martial law

Palchyk A. O.
Between pantheism and panentheism: ecofeminist theology in search of an optimal concept of God

Pushonkova О. A., Marchenko О. V., Pianzin S. D.
Culture of memory in the postmodern world: dynamics, semantic modes, value contexts

Skovronsky B. V.
Integration of science and art in ancient society: adaptation of ancient tradition and formation of specifics

Tsykhuliak I. M.
Information and communication technologies in the modern educational process. Philosophical perspective


Borysova Yu. V.
Methodological and practical aspects of improving the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of social services provision in local communities

Yeremenko A. V.
The impact of the volunteer movement on the socio-political environment and political behaviour in Ukraine

Kalashnikova L. V., Chernous L. S., Bezuhlova V. D.
Mobile applications as a tool for crisis communications: effectiveness of use in war conditions

Lien T. V., Yarmak T. V., Pravotorova O.
Mass open online courses in the context of the formation of a global information society

Lobanova A. S., Smahliuk O. A.
Early sexual life of adolescents as a social problem: legal basis, causes and consequences

Maltseva O. V.
The evolution of the institute of self-management of a social worker as a component of the managerial culture of the social sphere: a comparative analysis

Prykhodko A. V.
The deconsolidation of the democratic regime in hungary and features of establishing an illiberal democracy

Tashchenko A. Yu., Zabrodina D. O.
Not to each of us: the potential social network audience for white propaganda in Ukraine

Tokar M. Yu.
A vision of the advantages of sociocentric priorities in the field of services during the war and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine in the context of the sociology of emergency

Khyzhniak L. M., Sychova V. V.
Archetypal approach to social communications in the reintegration of veterans of the Russo-Ukrainian war


Burdyak V. I., Klуm R. D.
External and internal factors of the transformation of the political and administrative institutions of Bulgaria in the context of the implementation of the European integration course

Zavhorodnya Yu. V.
Possibilities of cyber protection policy in external and internal processes

Zelena O. Ya., Mirchuk I. L.
Dynamics of Ukrainian youth views on the future during the war: the case of Drohobych region

Marusynets M. M.
Specificity of the evolution of bilateral relations between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom under conditions of Brexit

Ostapets Yu. О., Zan M. P.
The 2024 European Parliament elections: characteristics of the results and their impact on the structuring of the national party systems of the European Union member countries

Rymar B. A.
“Leviathan in a smartphone”? The legitimacy of government in the information age

Savchuk V. R.
Imperial tendencies in Russian policy: the role of the European Union and international partners

Svekla K. A.
Electoral process and electoral technologies of the digital society

Usov D. S.
Concept and content of intelligence activity in the economic sphere: political science aspect

Chupriy L. V., Monastyrnyi M. P., Turchyniak I. Ya.
The history of the formation of civil society as a socio-political phenomenon

Shkuro A. S.
The legal aspects of presidential powers in Ukraine under martial law

Yakovlev D. V., Yakovleva L. I.
Political creativity of the middle class in the process of implementing the idea of public good

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 46/2024

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №46/2024

Title page



Bogachev R. M., Zuev V. M.
Humanization and humanitarization as dominant factors in the development of higher education

Borkaniuk A. B., Shulmin S. O.
Kant’s moral imperative and modernity

Vladlenova I. V., Tararoev Ya. V., Smolyaga M. V.
Socio-religious aspects of Marxism

Voronovska L. G.
Humanization as a component of quality higher education: socio-philosophical analysi

Hrytsenko A. L.
Phenomenology of consciousness: on the unreduced components of experience

Grytsyshyna M. V., Grytsyshyn V. P.
A meaningful explanation of the phenomenon of "experience" in J. Locke's empirical system

Devterov I. V., Drannyk V. A., Storozhyk M. I.
Internetics as a creative tool for understanding technogenic society

Dmytrenko M., Chubina T.
Digital ethics in philosophical dimension

Zinchenko H. R.
Relation between logic of generality and logic of singularity in Andreas Reckwitz’s theory of Modernity

Karpets L. A.
The phenomenon of voice: existential-anthropological and sociocultural meanings

Kuznetsov O. A., Gutsalova V. I.
Philosophy in shaping the worldview of students of technical higher educational institutions

Melnychuk V. V.
Valuable paradigm of virtualized society

Polishchuk R. М.
Philosophical approaches to the conceptualization of sport: Marxist theories

Rachuk S.
Historical knowledge through the lens of the philosophy of existentialism

Savchenko O. O.
The rational approach to linguodidactics

Sajtarly I. A., Ishchenko O. M.
An overview of the civilizational paradigm from the angle of structuralist ideas

Skovronskyi B. V.
Integration of science and art in ancient society: search for an approach to understanding the phenomenon

Khavronenko V. D., Prudchenko I. I., Mnozhynska R. V.
The evolution of the educational process in the context of postmodernism: new challenges and philosophical reflections

Shtanko V. I., Starikova H. G.
Implicit knowledge as an unconscious component of scientific research

Shcherbenko E. V.
Glocalisation and generation: the heuristic of temporality

Iakubin O. L., Yakubina V. L.
Social conflicts and their resolutions through the application of different mediation models: a transdisciplinary analysis based on the influence of classical concepts of L. Coser and R. Dahrendorf


Huseynova Zumrud Novruzali gizi
Characteristic features of the process of modernization in the post-war period

Lopushniak E. І.
Methods of measuring the powers of the branches of government in a democratic society

Fesenko A. M., Chorna V. O., Bondarets B. B.
Inventory as one of the leading trends in modern political communication

Shtraikher О. А.
Current aspects of the development of the Ukrainian volunteer movement in the context of civil society


Garaschuk D. V.
Digital echo chambers: amplifying populist rhetoric in the age of social media

Rishko S. I.
Decentralization of power and its significance for developing local political regimes in Ukraine

Sychova A. O.
Polysubjectivity as a driver of global governance reformatting

V. Y. Klymonchuk
Prime Ministership of Boris Johnson and the problem of Brexit in the lens of the British media

Sych O. M.
Measures of the Leadership of the Foreign Sections of the OUN to Resolve Organizational and Legal Discrepancies with the Opposition Based on the «Position» of the OUN Leadership in Ukraine (1950–1951)


Skalatska O. V.
The influence of communicative practices on the formation of worldview and cultural values: socio-philosophical dimension

Zaiets O. M.
Socio-psychological and ontological factors of demotivation in modern education

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