Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 50/2024
- Подробности
- Категория: Uncategorised
- Опубликовано 10.02.2025 14:34
- Автор: Super User
- Просмотров: 78
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №50/2024
Mahmudzade F. A.
Importance and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Connections in Modern Education
Verzin I. I.
Free will in Ockham's philosophy
Volovchuk N. M.
Civil Society in Soviet Ukraine: Lessons for Modern Ukraine in Wartime
Dresviannikova N. A.
Imagination as a way of social consolidation and protection of human rights
Sytailo Y.V.
Byzantinism as a Religious Doctrine of Orthodoxy
Sipko O. E.
Modern communication space: a philosophical analysis
Yakymchuk O. I.
A transversal turn in the philosophy of education of the 21st century
Balak I. O., Pikulyk O. B.
The Committee of the Regions Public Diplomacy in the EU Cohesion Policy
Bilousov M. V.
Ukraine’s place in the EU information space: analysis of the regulatory framework
Vovk S. O.
Information Hygiene: Behavioral Models of Ukrainian Citizens During the War
Lagutin M. R.
Formation of the national interest: a discursive approach
Tsatsenko O. V.
Civic solidarity as a factor of the effectiveness of civic advocacy campaigns
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 49/2024
- Подробности
- Категория: Uncategorised
- Опубликовано 16.12.2024 06:01
- Автор: Super User
- Просмотров: 155
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №49/2024
Baulina T. E., Krikun V. Yu.
Doomscrolling as a phenomenon of modern media space
Gerasymova E. M.
Socio-anthropological understanding of the life potential of a modern man
Dyshkant T. М., Horodyska O. М.
Socio-philosophical analysis of distance education
Didenko L. V.
Sociosegmented inequality: mechanisms of formation, reproduction, and eradication
Zaporozhchenko O. V., Suprun A. M.
Gender equality: problems and prospects
Lysenkova V. V.
Philosophical aspects of Somerset Maugham’s way of thinking
Martynenko O. M., Ruptash O. V., Radzinyak T. I.
The idea and prospects of philosophical modernity
Panko O. I.
Neocatechumenal Way: peculiarities of doctrine and activity
Pogorelov O. F., Karpenko M. V.
Anthropological component of worldview
Sobolievskyi P. A.
Ordinary language philosophy and experimental philosophy: a modern view
Changlong Sun
The main ideas of Chinese philosophy and its influence on politics and economics
Smahliuk O. A.
Early sexual life of adolescents: the social situation in Ukraine
Karpenko A. O.
Narodism and socialism in Ukrainian political thought: a comparative analysis
Marusynets M. M.
The role of the EU in resolving the Northern Ireland conflict
Yakovlev D. V., Trushevych H. B.
The creative class on the political agenda: trust, elections, image
Naumkin I. O.
Political manipulation in the web space in the post-truth era
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 47/2024
- Подробности
- Категория: Uncategorised
- Опубликовано 24.07.2024 07:04
- Автор: Super User
- Просмотров: 390
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №47/2024
Horpynych O. V.
Effectiveness of education quality management
Dobronosova Yu. D.
The horizon of the future and existential of hope in the conditions of war
Kyselytsia S. V.
Socio-humanitarian limits of tolerance in the context of European integration
Manuilo H. S.
The role of guardians in Plato’s Republic: lessons for contemporary leadership
Manuilo Y. Y.
Problems of virtue ethics: an analysis of A. Macintyre’s ethical theory
Dub M. I., Nadiuk I. R.
Natural theology in the history of world philosophy
Polishchuk R. M.
Game as a creative source of culture: J. Geisinga and R. Kayua
Tolstorozhev V. V.
Features of the birth of “Kyiv” Orthodoxy
Oros O. B.
Microsociology of domestic violence against children under conditions of martial law
Zhurba I. V.
Media and separatism: how information campaigns influence the development of conflicts
Tomahiv V. Ya., Kachurovskyi O. P.
Conceptual basis of research democratic transformation processes
Zaiets O.М.
Existential-Psychoanalytical Dimension of Care of the Self in Our Time
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 48/2024
- Подробности
- Категория: Uncategorised
- Опубликовано 09.09.2024 11:09
- Автор: Super User
- Просмотров: 295
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №48/2024
Sun W.
The trajectory of thinking transformation in the era of artificial intelligence
Bilyk P. M.
The influence of the urban environment on the formation of personal and group identity
Didenko L. V.
Inequality: socio-philosophical premises
Tingting Dong
The development and evolution of Marxist thought in China
Kryzhanovska T. O.
Philosophical meanings of mediality
Kubko V. P.
The concept of strategic narrative in the system of strategic communications
Oseiko D. A.
Humanitarian security of Ukraine during martial law
Zavhorodnya Yu. V.
Possibilities of cyber protection policy in external and internal processes
Rymar B. A.
“Leviathan in a smartphone”? The legitimacy of government in the information age
Svekla K. A.
Electoral process and electoral technologies of the digital society
Shkuro A. S.
The legal aspects of presidential powers in Ukraine under martial law
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 46/2024
- Подробности
- Категория: Uncategorised
- Опубликовано 23.05.2024 06:37
- Автор: Super User
- Просмотров: 500
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №46/2024
Borkaniuk A. B., Shulmin S. O.
Kant’s moral imperative and modernity
Vladlenova I. V., Tararoev Ya. V., Smolyaga M. V.
Socio-religious aspects of Marxism
Hrytsenko A. L.
Phenomenology of consciousness: on the unreduced components of experience
Dmytrenko M., Chubina T.
Digital ethics in philosophical dimension
Karpets L. A.
The phenomenon of voice: existential-anthropological and sociocultural meanings
Melnychuk V. V.
Valuable paradigm of virtualized society
Polishchuk R. М.
Philosophical approaches to the conceptualization of sport: Marxist theories
Rachuk S.
Historical knowledge through the lens of the philosophy of existentialism
Savchenko O. O.
The rational approach to linguodidactics
Shtanko V. I., Starikova H. G.
Implicit knowledge as an unconscious component of scientific research
Shcherbenko E. V.
Glocalisation and generation: the heuristic of temporality
Garaschuk D. V.
Digital echo chambers: amplifying populist rhetoric in the age of social media
Sychova A. O.
Polysubjectivity as a driver of global governance reformatting
Zaiets O. M.
Socio-psychological and ontological factors of demotivation in modern education