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Опубликовано 23.05.2024 06:37
Автор: Super User
Просмотров: 483
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №46/2024
Title page
Bogachev R. M., Zuev V. M.
Humanization and humanitarization as dominant factors in the development of higher education
Borkaniuk A. B., Shulmin S. O.
Kant’s moral imperative and modernity
Vladlenova I. V., Tararoev Ya. V., Smolyaga M. V.
Socio-religious aspects of Marxism
Voronovska L. G.
Humanization as a component of quality higher education: socio-philosophical analysi
Hrytsenko A. L.
Phenomenology of consciousness: on the unreduced components of experience
Grytsyshyna M. V., Grytsyshyn V. P.
A meaningful explanation of the phenomenon of "experience" in J. Locke's empirical system
Devterov I. V., Drannyk V. A., Storozhyk M. I.
Internetics as a creative tool for understanding technogenic society
Dmytrenko M., Chubina T.
Digital ethics in philosophical dimension
Zinchenko H. R.
Relation between logic of generality and logic of singularity in Andreas Reckwitz’s theory of Modernity
Karpets L. A.
The phenomenon of voice: existential-anthropological and sociocultural meanings
Kuznetsov O. A., Gutsalova V. I.
Philosophy in shaping the worldview of students of technical higher educational institutions
Melnychuk V. V.
Valuable paradigm of virtualized society
Polishchuk R. М.
Philosophical approaches to the conceptualization of sport: Marxist theories
Rachuk S.
Historical knowledge through the lens of the philosophy of existentialism
Savchenko O. O.
The rational approach to linguodidactics
Sajtarly I. A., Ishchenko O. M.
An overview of the civilizational paradigm from the angle of structuralist ideas
Skovronskyi B. V.
Integration of science and art in ancient society: search for an approach to understanding the phenomenon
Khavronenko V. D., Prudchenko I. I., Mnozhynska R. V.
The evolution of the educational process in the context of postmodernism: new challenges and philosophical reflections
Shtanko V. I., Starikova H. G.
Implicit knowledge as an unconscious component of scientific research
Shcherbenko E. V.
Glocalisation and generation: the heuristic of temporality
Iakubin O. L., Yakubina V. L.
Social conflicts and their resolutions through the application of different mediation models: a transdisciplinary analysis based on the influence of classical concepts of L. Coser and R. Dahrendorf
Huseynova Zumrud Novruzali gizi
Characteristic features of the process of modernization in the post-war period
Lopushniak E. І.
Methods of measuring the powers of the branches of government in a democratic society
Fesenko A. M., Chorna V. O., Bondarets B. B.
Inventory as one of the leading trends in modern political communication
Shtraikher О. А.
Current aspects of the development of the Ukrainian volunteer movement in the context of civil society
Garaschuk D. V.
Digital echo chambers: amplifying populist rhetoric in the age of social media
Rishko S. I.
Decentralization of power and its significance for developing local political regimes in Ukraine
Sychova A. O.
Polysubjectivity as a driver of global governance reformatting
V. Y. Klymonchuk
Prime Ministership of Boris Johnson and the problem of Brexit in the lens of the British media
Sych O. M.
Measures of the Leadership of the Foreign Sections of the OUN to Resolve Organizational and Legal Discrepancies with the Opposition Based on the «Position» of the OUN Leadership in Ukraine (1950–1951)
Skalatska O. V.
The influence of communicative practices on the formation of worldview and cultural values: socio-philosophical dimension
Zaiets O. M.
Socio-psychological and ontological factors of demotivation in modern education