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Опубликовано 11.04.2024 12:02
Автор: Super User
Просмотров: 481
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №45/2023
Title page
Gotynyan-Zhuravlyova V. V., Sumchenko I. V.
Culture as a system of values in the understanding of our ancestors and modern man
Grechkosіi R. M.
Consumerism as a phenomenon of economic and value orientation: philosophical aspect
Didenko L. V.
Philosophical-and-Economic Parameters of (Anthropo)Consumption: from Needs Satisfaction to Individual Equilibrium
Dobrolyubska Y. А.
Modern Typology of Marginality in Social and Cultural Space
Dressviannikova N.
Phenomenon of imagination and its role in the practice of human rights protection
Lysenkova V. V.
Comparative analysis of lifestyle of geniuses of the XIX and XX centuries (I. Goethe, N. Bohr)
Radchenko S. V.
The role of socio-political action in the formation of humanitarian security: theoretical analysis
Sinelnikova M. V.
Revenge is part of the experience of ressentiment
Spys O. A.
The position of some of the world's most famous religious leaders on the Russian-Ukrainian war
Tkachenko V. V.
Ukraine: Breaking the Dichotomy of "Perpetrator" / "Victim " and the Birth of "Homo Heroicus"
Chernenko V. O.
Vasyl Stus: Poetry, ethical discourse
Shevel A. O.
Paradigm change in the philosophy of science with the emergence of artificial intelligence
Shevchuk S.F., Romaniuk N.Y.
Charity as an element and indicator of civil society development
Shtepa O. O. Zinchenko N. O.
Time as a factor in the formation of stereotypes of the Ukrainian political and legal mentality: socio-philosophical analysis
Shcherbenko E. V.
Generation and Trauma. The Factor of Temporality in the Socio-Political Discourse of the Transition Era
Butylina O. V., Puzyryova O. V.
Loyalty of social service workers in war conditions
Hryshchenko N. I.
The development and features of a person's volunteer activity in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine
Yevdokymova I. A., Kolesnikova O. V.
Attitudes towards aging and old age in the sociological dimension
Ivanets T. M.
Peculiarities of the embodiment of features of the national character of a people in language: the Japanese case
Kalashnikova L. V., Lobanova A. S., Pryhodko О. О.
Dynamics of value orientations of the population of Ukraine, Poland, Russia and Belarus (2010–2022): comparative analysis
Kuzmuk O. M., Liubchuk V. V., Opeida L. M.
Life values of youth in wartime (according to the results of an online syrvey of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University)
Panchenko O. A., Kabantseva A. V.
The Concept of Swans as a Metaphorical Reflection of Contemporary Turbulent Reality
Prokhorenko Ye. Ya.
Operationalization of the category "gender inequality" in sociology
Barasii V. Yu.
The electoral process in the era of digitalization: mediacracy, "Diia", media scandals
Mammadov Tural Xalid.
Methodological foundations of the concept of governance region
Vorchakova I. E.
Women's political leadership: peculiarities of gender perception
Demianenko V. M., Priadko T. P., Ruban А. O.
Theoretical Concepts of I. Ilyin and the Ideology of Putinism as Reflections of Socio-Political Orientations in Russian Society
Matukhno G. R.
Institutionalization of youth policy in Ukraine as a factor influencing the level of public political participation of youth
Moskaliuk M. F.
European Integration and the Euro-Atlantic Vector of Development of Baltic States: Prerequisites and Stages of Realization
Mota M. B.
The Significance, Prospects, and Risks of Big Data Analytics for Developing Democracy and the Electoral Process
Mudryi R. R.
Program Features and Electoral Success of Pirate Network Parties: On the Example of Some European Countries
Oleshchuk P. M., Saltovskyi O. І.
Alternative models" of Ukraine joining NATO in the modern European political system and the complexity of their implementation
Skalatska O. V.
Dialogue and discussion in the history of philosophical knowledge: the evolution of thinking