Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 27/2020

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №27/2020

Title page



Borodenko O. V.
The problem of the local in philosophical tradition and in modern philosophy of culture

Guyvan P. D.
About the concept of time as a sequence and change of states of an object

Kobelieva D. L.
Modern technologies and design of humankind (common and different in the futuristic concepts of M. Kaku and Yu. N. Harari)

Kostenko M. T.
Human dignity as a philosophical problem

Lysenkova V. V.
Philosophical aspects of studying the lifestyle of I. Goethe (based on the novel by T. Mann “Lotta in Weimar”)

Makarova A. O.
The relations between the archetype and the activity: the socio-philosophical aspect

Okorokova V. V.
The theoretical aspect of transhumanism within the framework of historiosophical discourse

Pavlyshyn L. H.
The main ideas of F. Nietzsche in the works of researchers of his creative heritage

Sinelnikova M. V.
The unbearable “difficulty” of existence or the idea of eternal recurrence in Nietzsche’s philosophy

Sukennikov O. V.
Socio-cultural phenomenon of personality

Yatsenko O. D.
Phenomenology and metaphysics of culture of M. Heidegger

Yatsula T. V.
Philosophical aspects of understanding the sense of life in the training of future teachers


Aksyonova S. Yu., Vasilec O. I.
Reproductive behavior in the modern urban society

Vitkovska I. M., Yevdokymova I. A.
Formation of the concept of responsibility in philosophy and sociology

Gugnin E. А.
Socio-cultural factors of clientelism in the external dependence of Ukraine: theoretical and sociological vision

Deineko O. O.
Peculiarities of defining the concept “social cohesion”: from broad to narrow understanding

Muzylov O. V.
Peculiarities of constructing a collective resentment through a cinematographer (on the example of modern Ukrainian films)

Pliushch V. A.
Sociological models of sociocultural adaptation of modern migrants in new cultural environment

Poltorak V. A., Zoska Yа. V., Stadnyk A. Н.
Social stereotypes and public opinion: problems of interconnection and interaction

Chervinska T. G. Petlenko Yu. V.
Problems and challenges of distance learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic

Shevchenko O. M., Melnychuk V. V.
Socio-philosophical aspects of euthanasia in Ukraine


Antoniuk D. I.
Basic criteria for legitimation of public authorities at the local level

Antokhiv-Skolozdra O. M.
Canada–EU relations in political sphere

Melnyk V. M.
The phenomenon of “traditional” as a means of explication of political anthropology

Palamar A. S.
The influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on Turkey’s foreign policy in the 21st century

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