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Опубликовано 10.02.2025 14:34
Автор: Super User
Просмотров: 78
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №50/2024
Title page
Mahmudzade F. A.
Importance and Challenges of Interdisciplinary Connections in Modern Education
Aleksiuk I. A., Baulina T. E.
The problem of the interpretation of traditional syllogistic: Strawson’s realistic method
Verzin I. I.
Free will in Ockham's philosophy
Vykhovanets Z. S.
«Post» modernization of the welfare state paradigm: new opportunities for self-realization of an individual
Volovchuk N. M.
Civil Society in Soviet Ukraine: Lessons for Modern Ukraine in Wartime
Horbal Ya. M.
Ukrainian Scholarship Against Historical Distortions: Debunking the Myths of Putinism in the Context of Hybrid Warfare
Dresviannikova N. A.
Imagination as a way of social consolidation and protection of human rights
Durdo O. I., Predmestnikov O. H.
Understanding the Phenomenon of Information Warfare in Domestic Philosophy
Kiykov O. Yu.
The philosophy of educational management and its importance in forming democratic practices
Kotenko G. O., Pokhvatа M. P., Medved O. D.
Social participation of student youth as a factor in the development of civil society
Kotenko О. V., Maksimenko V. V. Syniahivskyi Ya. M.
The value dimension in the study of the development of social competence of student youth (interdisciplinary discourse)
Kryzhanovska T. O., Lytvyn M. Yu.
Philosophy of International Organizations: The Role of the United Nations in Ensuring International Justice
Oseiko D. A.
Prevention of Humanitarian Security Threats in the Fields of Education and Culture in Ukraine During Martial Law
Palchyk A. O.
Panentheism and Other Theistic Concepts: The Problem of Demarcation in Contemporary Studies
Samarskyi A. Yu.
Development of the Philosophical and Socio-Economic Ideas of Academician V.M. Glushkov in the 21st Century
Sytailo Y.V.
Byzantinism as a Religious Doctrine of Orthodoxy
Sipko O. E.
Modern communication space: a philosophical analysis
Skalatska O. V., Yakovleva L. I., Yushkevych Yu. S.
European and Euro-Atlantic integration: philosophical analysis
Slyva A. О.
Transformation of the political system of Ukrainian society in the context of external aggression: political and philosophical aspect of the problem of democratization
Yakymchuk O. I.
A transversal turn in the philosophy of education of the 21st century
Afanasieva L. V., Hlebova N. I., Glyns’ka L. F., Chychanovskyi I. O.
Factors of activation of national-cultural societies of IDPs in Melitopol region during the war
Klymenko O. Yu., Chepurko G. I.
Formation of social trauma under the influence of stressful conditions in employees of the private sector of the economy of Ukraine during the war
Lobanova A. S., Rekalo A. S.
Socio-professional efficiency as a sociological category: content, structure and criteria of definition
Redkina H. M.
Main specific features and trends of the formation of values of the youth of Ukraine in the conditions of state independence
Chepak V. V., Tashchenko A. Yu.
The COVID-19 pandemic in clusters: sociological backstage of seemingly final decisions
Shevel I. P.
Ukrainian culture and new Ukrainization: socio-cultural discourse, problems and prospects
Alieksieienko A. I.
Form of government as a factor of political consolidation of transforming society
Balak I. O., Pikulyk O. B.
The Committee of the Regions Public Diplomacy in the EU Cohesion Policy
Bilousov M. V.
Ukraine’s place in the EU information space: analysis of the regulatory framework
Buriachenko O. V., Sokhatskyi O. Yu., Dubovyk N. A.
Analysis of international relations, competition between great powers and strategies for managing geopolitical interests
Vovk S. O.
Information Hygiene: Behavioral Models of Ukrainian Citizens During the War
Lagutin M. R.
Formation of the national interest: a discursive approach
Marusynets M. M.
Transformation of US peacekeeping in Northern Ireland in the context of Brexit under the J. Biden administration
Priymich A. P.
The methodology of studying the infrastructure of black PR in the context of the political process
Sekh D. A.
Infrastructure Projects of the Intermarium as a Tool for Ukraine’s Economic Integration with Central and Eastern Europe
Sokur O. V.
Transformation of the discourse on Ukraine's European integration (based on the study of analytical reports)
Solodilova O. V.
The influence of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the transformation of the political regime in Ukraine
Tsatsenko O. V.
Civic solidarity as a factor of the effectiveness of civic advocacy campaigns
Сhu Chu
«The Belt and Road Initiative» as a Reflection of the Current Spatial Distribution of China's Strategic Interests
Shvets S. L., Lozynskyi V. M.
The space of political identities in Ukraine: institutional and communicative dimensions
Klymonchuk V. Y.
Ukraine in the Three Seas Initiative: challenges of integration and prospects for regional cooperation