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Опубликовано 16.12.2024 06:01
Автор: Super User
Просмотров: 112
Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №49/2024
Title page
Ananin V. O., Horlynskyi V. V.
The phenomenon of preservation of the life world in dimensions communicative philosophy
Baulina T. E., Krikun V. Yu.
Doomscrolling as a phenomenon of modern media space
Vladlenova I. V., Godz N. B., Smolyaga M. V.
Universal methodology for complex social systems: from Marxism, pragma-dialectics to systemic analysis
Gerasymova E. M.
Socio-anthropological understanding of the life potential of a modern man
Dankanich R. I.
Updating Hans-Georg Gadamer’s phenomenon of understanding in the face of existential challenges
Dyshkant T. М., Horodyska O. М.
Socio-philosophical analysis of distance education
Didenko L. V.
Sociosegmented inequality: mechanisms of formation, reproduction, and eradication
Zaporozhchenko O. V., Suprun A. M.
Gender equality: problems and prospects
Zinchenko N. O., Kaiun V. O., Perun S. V.
Рhilosophical aspects of the 1932–1933 famine tragedy: an existential analysis of human resilience and morality in the conditions of extreme survival
Karpetz L. A., Kovalenko Yu. M., Prykhodko V. S.
The world of virtual libraries and museums as a modification the spatiotemporal dimension of education in the era of high technologies
Korostylov G. L., Kruts O. A., Petrova L. O.
Humanitarianism in the age of modern technical and technological paradigm (socio-philosophical analysis)
Kravchenko O. P., Ryk M. S.
The structure of the symbolic-figurative philosophical system of Hryhorii Skovoroda
Lysenkova V. V.
Philosophical aspects of Somerset Maugham’s way of thinking
Martynenko O. M., Ruptash O. V., Radzinyak T. I.
The idea and prospects of philosophical modernity
Mikheitseva-Tsingrosh K. O.
Modern practices of cultural policy in Austria and Ukraine: an attempt at philosophical conceptualization
Mnozhynska R. V., Maidaniuk I. Z., Verezomska S. Zh.
Identity of the individual in the gender dimension
Morhun O. A.
Creative synthesis of ancient and modern knowledge in the retrospective of noospheric thinking
Panko O. I.
Neocatechumenal Way: peculiarities of doctrine and activity
Pogorelov O. F., Karpenko M. V.
Anthropological component of worldview
Sapar R. K., Sapar H. S.
Visual intentions of the early stages of Ukrainian historical and philosophical thought
Silvestrova O. Yu., Shakun N. V., Kolievatov O. O.
Comparative analysis of the influence of classical and co philosophy on the ideas of civil society
Sobolievskyi P. A.
Ordinary language philosophy and experimental philosophy: a modern view
Soshnikov A. O.
The main forms of distance education development in China as a synthesis of traditions and innovations
Starikova H. G., Tyhonova L. A.
Understanding as a stage of scientific knowledge and the role of tacit knowledge at this stage
Telizhenko L. V.
Commemoration of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its influence on the formation of national identity: a transdisciplinary approach
Tokuieva N. V., Zlenko N. M., Tsoi T. V.
Intercultural communication: the main aspects of life in society
Changlong Sun
The main ideas of Chinese philosophy and its influence on politics and economics
Yarmolytska N. V., Han K. О.
Issues of science and education in the socio-humanitarian component of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative
Bahinskyi A. V., Veselska V. V.
Non-governmental organisations as a mechanism of social support during the war
Smahliuk O. A.
Early sexual life of adolescents: the social situation in Ukraine
Dolzhenkov O. O., Lozynskyi O. M.
Peculiarities of political agenda setting: the influence of the media
Karpenko A. O.
Narodism and socialism in Ukrainian political thought: a comparative analysis
Kachurovskyi O. P.
The specificity of national consolidation in the processes of democratic transformation of society in modern Ukraine
Konyk T. H.
Institutional foundations of Ukraine’s national security policy at the stage of its formation as an independent state
Marusynets M. M.
The role of the EU in resolving the Northern Ireland conflict
Matvienkiv S. М., Bartakh L. І.
Information threats in the context of a full-scale war: modern challenges for the national security of Ukraine
Matukhno H. R.
State political institutions as a factor of promoting public political participation of youth in modern Ukraine
Nazarchuk O. М.
The influence of political elites on the formation of state power and business in Ukraine
Usov D. S.
Genesis and current state of political science studies regarding intelligence activities in the economic sphere
Chupriy L. V., Gotra O. B., Alieksieienko I. M.
Russia’s information war against Ukraine and Western countries in the context of globalization and ways to counter it
Yakovlev D. V., Trushevych H. B.
The creative class on the political agenda: trust, elections, image
Naumkin I. O.
Political manipulation in the web space in the post-truth era