Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 35/2022

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №35/2022

Title page



Hanaba S. O.
The meaning of life as an existential value in the views of Victor Frankl

Kapitsa V. F.
Noosphere-mental and noo-praxiological forces in the nomonology of their development and gnoseometriya of ontoactivity creative realization

Lazareva M. L.
Temporality in the vortex of everyday life of modern human

Martynenko O. P., Manchul B. V.
The Place of Poetics and Hermeneutics in the Methodology of W. Dilthey’s humanities

Morhun O. A.
Philosophical-scientific bases of noospheric cognition are in the methodological system of nooscientific growth of knowledges

Pavlyshyn A. D.
Muse as a category of the spirituality of the ukrainian people in the philosophy of Stepan Yarmus

Petruk N. K., Gapchenko O. V.
Ethical dimensions of scientific activity

Skovronskyi B. V.
To the question of the specifics of semiosis in the art practices of modern culture


Buturlina O. V., Lysokolenko T. V.
Features of the organization of career guidance work in experimental educational institutions of Dnipropetrovsk region

Karetnaya O. О.
Difficulties in the process of socialization of children of primary school age

Pilko A. D.
Formation of a conceptual model of analysis of social tension

Khomeriki O. A., Yakovenko U. I.
An Overview of Prerequisites for Formation of Sociology Strategy Development in Ukraine

Shevel I. Р., Likarchuk D. S.
Study of conflict as a negative factor of social interaction: sociopolitical analysis


Bychkovyak O. V.
Analytycal context of the hybrid war of the Russian federation against Ukraine

Zavgorodnya Yu. V.
Cyberconflicts as a modern threat to the digitalization of society: political aspect

Yakovleva L. I.
Coordination of public power: sources of institutional theory of legitimacy

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