Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 33/2021

Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology №33/2021

Title page



Abdullaieva T., Aga Kh., Gafuri R.
Refutation of a fictional hadith about the primacy of light of the Prophet Muhammad

Bohdanets I. M.
Anthropological aspect of virtual construction

Bronnikova L. V.
Philosophical aspects of trans-formation processes in modern science

Bura K. O.
The question of coordination of the categorical apparatus of modern theory of argumentation

Voronovska L. G.
The phenomenon of security in philosophical discourse

Zaporozhchenko O. V.
Herbert Marcuse’s concept of the “one-dimensional man” and the critique of industrial society

Manoilo N. H.
Philosophical worldview as a condition for the formation of the limit level of being a personality of a notary

Petrenko M. О.
Modern moral and ethical challenges: socio-cultural principles and philosophical discourses

Pecheranskyi I. P.
As for the question of neo-marxist methodology of culture research in the Frankfurt school philosophy

Radionova L. O., Kozyrieva N. V.
Tolerance in the context of the natural and legal concept of the rule of law

Razvodova T. А.
Patterns of conscience in Heidegger’s philosophy (reflection of its basic dimensions)

Charkina T. I.
The problems of research information culture


Kuzmuk O. M., Liubchuk V. V., Opeida L. M.
Prospects for the use of distance learning in higher education on the example of the experience of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Rus-Poltavskaya A. V.
Increasing the role of the value system in the context of the radicalization of socio-economic transformations

Chaplyk M. M.
Сriminal practices as a means of social mobility


Vorobiov V. A.
Political representation out of social chaos: parties between oligarchy and self-organization

Dmytriiev V. V.
Communication dimension political identity formation

Kropyvko V. V.
Technologies influencing public opinion: political advertising and propaganda

Kunitskiy M. P.
Development of democracy: concepts and problems of measurement

Pokhodieieva V. E.
Institutional dimension of corruption prevention in Ukraine: the role of mass media and civil society

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