Current Problems of Philosophy and Sociology 25/2019

N. V. Khamitov, S. A. Krylova The phenomenon of philosophical publicism and the sociocultural openness of education and science

A. M. Erёmenko, D. V. Yakovlev “We studied dialectics not according to Hegel” the philosophy in the mirror of political propaganda: an attempt to the anthropological approach

A. A. Yvakyn Reliance on the congeniality of ideas as a condition for constructing a holistic picture of the world

F. A. Tykhomirova Social ecology of city as problem field of social philosophy

N. M. Baranova Research of national-cultural traditions as an aesthetic phenomenon

D. D. Dandekar Freedom and love as the main values of a political leader

O. O. Sokolovskyi Structuralness of legal consciousness as a fundamental feature defining its content

H. V. Khrystokin Theology as a special type socio-humanities knowledge

D. H. Vakalo Philosophical and methodological guidelines of modern knowledge management: cognitive-communicative shifts

S. M. Povtoreva, I. I. Starovoitova Struggle of magnates Ostrogsky with the support of protestants for the preservation the orthodox church: the lessons of history

S. F. Rashydov Sufism in modern Dagestan: Said Afandi Chirkey about the tariqa

M. N. Yenin, A. A. Melnychenko, L. I. Melnyk Hybrid warfare as a kind of socio-political conflict: essence, technology, dominant discourses

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